“The Five Principles for Successful Continuity in the Family Business”, are short videos in which Dr. Tamar Milo, Founder of Dorot Family Business Consulting, presents the keys to successful continuity in the family owned business. The principles summarize over two decades of work experience. They speak to both the senior and successors’ generations, giving important insights and practical suggestions.



Transparency is Key when it comes to the success of the family business. Watch Dr. Tamar Milo explain how you apply it to your family business.


Re-commit means owning your decision, whether you stay in the family business or not. Watch Dr. Tamar Milo explain why.


Dr. Tamar Milo, explains why the successors have to re-invent the business and the ownership, in order to adapt them to the changing requirements of the industry and the family.
Natural Partners

Natural Partners

Gen-peers are the successor's natural partners. Watch Dr. Tamar Milo talk about forming a good partnership among the younger generation of the family business.


Family agreements, management structures and wills help anchor prior achievements for generations to come. Dr. Tamar Milo explains how the documents protect prior successes.